Research & Reflections
Research articles and thoughts are presented to explore topics of vestibular rehabilitation.
Concierge Physical Therapist
Dr. Kevin Smith, PT, DPT, CBIS is a mobile vestibular physical therapist providing concierge services for vertigo treatment, imbalance, falls, and concussions.
Stroke vs. Vestibular Disorder
Vertigo can have many different causes. Most often it is from a vestibular disorder, but the rare case can be a stroke that will need immediate medical attention at the ED. When is dizziness a more serious problem?
Bumping into Walls After Vertigo?
Vestibular dysfunction or hypofunction can cause problems with your spatial orientation. This will affect how you navigate through space and if you are able to avoid obstacles.
Why Am I Dizzy With Getting Up?
If you are experiencing dizziness with getting up, it may or may not be a vestibular disorder. Cardiovascular problems or dysautonomia like POTS or orthostatic hypotension can cause dizziness with getting up.
What Makes You Dizzy Might Make You Better
Are vestibular exercises right for you? This article covers when and how they may or may not be.
Out of Network vs. In Network with Insurance
Out of network can often be a better option than in network for physical therapy.
Why Vestibular Physical Therapy?
Vestibular physical therapy is the most effective and efficient treatment for vertigo. Whether you have BPPV, vestibular neuritis, vestibular migraines, 3PD, or just feel off balance, you can find help from a vestibular specialist!